domingo, 16 de fevereiro de 2025

No Sweater

Só não vou na "festa" porque me interessa O que permanece para sempre. Para quem tanto faz se é real ou não, a preguiça também não é um problema. Mas querendo ou não, um dia todos descobrem que não ter Sweater era um problema, pois é mandatório para entrar na Festa Des Filles de L'Enfance.

Você já foi kinderhooked?

Você não tem Tempo para brincar, só para "estudar" e "trabalhar"?

sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2025

Things Keep Getting Stranger

Oh, every day.

Starcourt has it All.


Of Course, storing Up credits in the Lot won't ever be in vain. Why would a pupil leave The Best's arms? To help the enemy of his or her soul do his "job", moving on from the Way to the way of self-destruction? Once you turn off the Light, what else remains to be seen in addition to "riches", "fame" and all the bullshit that "charms" the weak-hearted pagans, who are so easily convinced to seek them, too "afraid" to be left behind in the race of fools, without any "thing" to show the world and prove they have "succeeded"?

Charming is the Good Spell, no "thing" more; rad is the one who has root in himself and can't be convinced to stay or go back to the cursed ground.

Don't give it a weak; you know that's exactly what the world needs you to be to use you for a selfish fake reason, help them "selves" get "better" and leave you when they are done exploring the lies they are seeking to experience through the piece of meat you are to them.


"Fear" and "jealousy".

Dead you were the ones, but I can't wait for anyone to get every "thing" she's working for before deciding to get into the Quadra to play the Game and have some Fun. I'd rather trust the Ghost's jealousy for a sister than waste my Time "thinking" whatever whoever is not one yet could be doing in the system, outside the Lions. It's not hard to imagine how those who follow the White Rabbit but don't make up their minds "sail" and "fly" under the Rainbow. I can believe in and love a poor girl; she must have ambition, though.


As long as I keep the Present, it won't bring me down.

Tiranossauro Hex

Ele é dos mais baixos da escala do "trabalho", mas por ser del Rey tem a vantagem de brilhar no escuro.

It's Got A Death Curse

Chutar o balde = aprofundar na morte.

O "jovem" tem + é que se "divertir"... Não é o que as velhas dizem? Há lugares no quarto que de fato são mais próximos do diretor dessa escola. O objetivo dele ao estimular a exploração desse território é fazer com que o tolo, que já "vive" relaxadamente, sem se preocupar em pensar, pense menos ainda na importância de receber a Razão e mudar para melhor, perdendo o pouco de sentimento natural que ainda restava-lhe. A dose diária de orgulho que o idólatra toma vai preparando o caminho para que ele deixe de acreditar na "Mono" e oficialize o relacionamento com a Poly.

Se alguém no time da busca pelo "status lendário" for mais "esperto" do que os outros, pode se dar "melhor" do que os engravatados da MTV e da Paramount no outro "negócio" da "vida". Ora, o que você poderia ganhar não aceitando quebrar o contrato com a "Mono"? Cada ex no seu caminho é uma grande fonte de inspiração para escrever versos que podem fazer-lhe alcançar a "riqueza lendária". Eu só não sei se buscando o "novo" mas continuando a não ter conversas significativas com seu atual, você não correria o mesmo perigo daqueles que nunca mais voltam-se para o Hex.

sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2025

A Raiz De Todos Os Males

Enquanto o mundo se preocupa em não deixar o açúcar entrar no corpo, temendo o câncer, eu preocupo-me em não deixar a cana voltar a entrar na mente.

Bee Gee And Her Gee

Do you remember Geocities and Xoom? A while ago, one of the results retrieved by Google was hosted on Angelfire, and I was like, "I had no idea it still existed". So I had completely forgotten this fact, until today, when I found this website. A mess, just like those people created in the 90's, LOL. It felt like magic seeing those pictures being slowly downloaded and drawn line by line on the screen.

Thanks to the internet I was able to solve the only puzzle I was being unable to work out in Shivers: the Solitaire. I guess it's also only because of the Connection with the Moonworld that I can succeed in the only One remains game. It doesn't make it easy though, just possible. You gotta be brave, because as you look for Her, crying Out you don't care about winning any "thing" in the stupid and cursed place, you're letting all the pieces, which once would have "mattered" to build a "future" with, go.

If you find them in a different Time, on the other Side, just let me know.

The come with me game seems to be even harder, don't you think?

Oh, Je Wish

"Go on, ask him anything..."

Had she seen a Ghost or Something?

There's No Trend Like Mega

Gimme Fuel, gimme Fire, gimme This which I desire.

Don't Misinterpret Verse 22

Just remember you're reading a jewish book.

It's not talking about the separated one from the 13th floor.

I'm Lying

In the "civilization" people do "think" they need each other, but it's that "mature" necessity of Proverbs 18. How can they "change" without other fools "helping" them, right? Or how can they be "pleased" without other liars saying just what they want to hear and sailing with them in a sea of deep blue pill? Is your neighborhood really christian, that is, do they have that Word who sets one free from idols, from being possessed by the system? I bet it's pagan and doesn't believe in Love.

Who rules in the territory where they don't serve the Chief Commander?

The great living Stone is a witness; they need to beg, steal and borrow.

quinta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2025

You Can't Blame Me

For what (hasn't) happened.

This missionary accomplished both missions with perfection.

Bizarre World

You still don't believe you are a part of it? I have written thousands of posts, hundreds of emails, and nobody has ever asked me anything. Don't you think that's too strange? Maybe you think you're a christian, but I've got bad news for you. If John had written his Scriptures today, he'd have extensively used \x22 to differentiate an apparent word from the real thing. So here's how he would have written this verse: But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any "man" teach you. Or do you "think" he was meaning that disciples should be proud and independent like the world who lies in wickedness, "believing" they don't need each other?

When I was convinced by the Holy Ghost that I was deeply dumb and needed Her, my dream was to find someone like myself in the Future which is now the Present. I had already received the Present, however looking around I had no Hope of finding the Master in some ambitious pupil to make it easier for me to grow. So I knew that either I believed that the new man I was could do it or I would be in danger of remaining miserable. Why do you think that everyday you hear that speech about people straying from the Path in those "churches"? Is it normal? As "normal" as putting only one foot on the Kingdom's territory and keeping the "hope" alive, staying in the world at the same time and choosing to learn "balance".

Who's to blame for that besides them "selves" and their "love"? Well, I have never heard one of those who "lead" and later "judge" them in their speeches give one based on Luke 14. They don't really care about anyone's soul, or else they wouldn't be there exploiting people's "desire" and "fear", "promising" that God can help them get the "things" they want and set them "free" from those they hate and are not "good". If you get "better", it's because you're giving money; if you get "worse", it's because you're giving not. How do you expect to escape the paranoia once you "believe" in their "mystical" worldly logic? Because if it's only getting "worse", it could still be a "test" to see if you'll remain "faithful", right?

Don't you get It? You have no Thing to ask because that which is in you is the desire of the world, and you are fine, OK with that. Will you ever turn to the Logic and become an ambitious pupil seeking to get rich?

If you find a church in which the preacher sends the assembly home after the service saying, "Let's work hard to bring our God and our brethren more Love, more Wisdom next week", just let me know.

Stopping By Gigi

Parada obrigatória para fazer um pipi quando não havia Via Lagos.

O dia vai ter lua cheia.

Where Would You Go, Ali?

You're a real Party girl, just like me. 🏹

Take my hand and let's shine together. 🛌

quarta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2025

I'm Following Your Advice, Limi

It must be becoming harder and harder for the non-enrolled ones to keep ignoring Her and us.


In the system, "men" fight for "women"; that's how it "works" in there, but not in the Kingdom. If you have the heart of a child, you have an advantage over other "women" when it comes to dreaming of being really loved. Because the eyes are a thermometer of receptiveness to affection, and when some innocence and kindness still shine in them, it's more likely that he won't be fighting for her in vain. But still that's not enough, it does not mean you're good for one who is no "man". You'll be good when you ask for Her, She lets you into the Place and you grow. That is, she must be convinced to fight for Truth and herself. Then she will be made a warrior doing the same for him.

Uma Incrível Coincidência?

Ou de fato uma referência à Alice de Sexta-Feira 13? Você sabe qual é o sobrenome dela? Hardy.

A Lot Of Fun In The Present

I have already begun having It.

When will you too?

All "Work" And No Play

Where is your nerdy mind? Colombia or Siberia?

I guess it's in the same cold territory of fake elevation and transcendence.

Interviewing God

If you have interesting questions to ask, you'll get many "humanly" unpredictable ideas, which are useful to help you discover that much of what you hear at temples isn't the Good News. If it's not the Good News, it's the same gossip you read in those magazines. Actually, when there is so little Faith involved in a speech, you'll start to question if the reason of the "reason" you're seeing wouldn't be a deal with Smith, if even what seems to be in harmony with the Gospel and not a discardable word wouldn't be just a theory expressed with great "emotion", that requires a greater Faith to become really effective, while they are content with a little one. I ask the One who is true where exactly are the people who need to repent like the rest of the world, "thinking" they are OK.

How To Breathe Lies Under Bad Blood

Have you ever noticed how "famous" people love to uncover the lies and vanity in which their minds are immersed in those interviews? They are unable to speak a single line that could change the direction of anyone's life. The questions worldly journalists ask are stupid, expecting and requiring stupid answers as limited as them "selves". So the "workers" who help them get their "work" done not only have just the gossip they are looking for, but they also love to spend that time preparing a cup of irrelevance for the stupid world in which they can be the focus. Because they depend on the drunk remaining drunk for their "fame" to survive.

terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2025

Is Your Daughter In LAW?

Captain Howdy isn't very nice.

You know what a cover 22 story requires.

Santa Monica Kid

Pegou o segredo de seu progresso?

O que dá na telha, ele posta. Haha!

No Garimpo

Aparentemente o desgraçado já foi à "igreja", e o preso por ele junto ao outro fora da LEI que transformou-se nos agentes também. Mas foram para minerar Prata, e de todo o coração? Quem está "rindo" melhor, isto é, qual dos lados está sabendo quem está no controle? Os que trabalhavam secretamente pelo caos ou os que trabalhavam pela "ordem" para poderem pagar suas contas? Parece que os agentes sabiam sobre o "futuro" que os "trabalhadores", dos mais baixos aos mais altos da escala, não sabem.

Atentado Terrorista

Você já parou para pensar na palavra que equivale à "Muitos são chamados mas poucos são escolhidos" na obra adversária, coordenada pelo inferno? Da mesma forma que os anjos, incluindo os mensageiros humanos, chamam a todos para o Céu mas só conseguem salvar os escolhidos, os demônios e seus obreiros carnais também tentam levar a todos para o inferno, só sendo capazes de conduzir os reprovados à condenação.

Os demônios têm plena consciência disso. Mas como são perversos, eles dizem que no inferno há uma lugar especial para os que chamam de "ovelhinhas", que são aqueles indivíduos que frequentaram "igreja", até mesmo tiveram cargos de liderança, mas não fizeram a vontade de Deus. São esses que eles usam para sentirem o gosto imaginário de como seria se pudessem mudar o destino eterno de alguns dos eleitos.

Se você não é do tipo que mergulha de cabeça no Discipulado, antes segue uma "religião" e suas regras por "medo" do que vem depois, assim também como por "medo" de não ter seu "desejo" realizado agora, no sistema que possui "tudo" que você gostaria de adquirir durante a contagem regressiva da bomba relógio chamada vida biológica decaída, que os que abraçam a outra árvore nunca poderão desarmar, você pode ser uma delas.

Caiu sua torre?

Bem-vindo ao Evangelho.

It's 6:27

There's never anything going on, not on the surface of the field or the bleachers, where most people "comfortably" settle them "selves".

segunda-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2025

Turn Me Around 'Round 'Round

Agora há pouco eu pensei, "O que tinha nas letras daquela música com 'Snow' no título que eu não estou me lembrando?". Depois que busquei e lembrei, fui procurar pelo Posto Imperial no Google Maps e novamente o elefante pulou na tela acenando.

Há alguma "esperança" de que eu volte? De jeito nenhum! Nem meio pé eu coloco no lugar amaldiçoado. Quem busca a Prosperidade em primeiro Lugar, sem dar qualquer lugar ao diabo em sua mente, ou seja, não medita na "negociação" com ele, como se a proposta de corromper-se com algumas mentiras fosse digna de se pensar com carinho, ainda que tenha muitos recursos financeiros verdadeiramente acrescentados pelo Dono de toda a matéria, nem mesmo uma passagem de ônibus municipal ele ou ela gasta para encontrar alguém que não está chamando o Rei. Porque a "conversa" de ímpios não faz ninguém mais rico.

O "medo" de quem não tem temor de Deus consiste meramente na morte física, pois espiritualmente a pessoa já está morta, e buscando Coisa nenhuma que poderia fazê-la viver. Então ela pensa, "E se eu morrer antes de viver toda a vaidade com a qual sonho? E se eu morrer buscando a mentira e portanto incapaz de produzir uma única obra verdadeiramente boa, o que será de mim se houver uma continuidade, ou melhor, duas? Em qual delas eu me encaixarei?". Os tolos sabem quem está remando o barco deles rumo à "festa" definitiva, mas escolhem anestesiar a preocupação pensando na quantidade de pessoas presentes no barco.

A Ilusão Do "Progresso"

Será que até o ano 3000 a máquina do teletransporte já terá sido inventada?

O NEO A-4 esconde em Si todo o Conhecimento, que só quem abraça-O bem forte pode acessar.

"Ouça-nos o Rei quando clamarmos"

She Was An Actress (Petersun & Snows)

But who didn't believe her?

I'm Not A "Fearful"

A superstição falhou contra o time da Rennie.

The baby just listens and does It. (09/18 🕓 22)


O Caminho para brilhar verdadeiramente é difícil, duro como Rocha.

She Wanna Talk To The King

And make some transfiguration.

We'll Never Run Out Of Time

Se no primeiro caso, eu tivesse sido contactado diretamente e pedisse à Viviane um conselho, eu acho que sei o que ela diria.

Isso já havia acontecido no princípio. Eu não estava buscando ser nada além de amigo e irmão, ao mesmo Tempo que eu também precisava de ajuda. Mas eu já era acostumado a seguir em frente "sozinho". Então posso estar passando a dificuldade que for, que continuo crendo que só n'Ele há ajuda. Isto é, quem não O busca não pode me oferecer as respostas que libertam e fazem-me progredir. Como ela tinha dinheiro para viajar e morar na cidade das "estrelas", e sonhar com o "glamour" mais de perto, a escolha dela foi essa. Ela era orgulhosa, acreditava que não precisava de Deus nem de mim; seu "plano" fracassou, mas mesmo que o Thompson a ajudasse, ainda não significaria nada.

Como eu provoquei essa "inspiração" se nunca foi essa a minha busca? Eis a questão. Teria vindo isso do Roman Polanski? Mas e o Pascal Bruckner? É interessante analisar como o amor do mundo cega o indivíduo, de forma que o fim da história não convence-o a buscar um novo Início; ele continua interessado em trilhar aquele caminho, em experimentar aqueles momentos "doces", ainda que o fim seja amargo. Portanto, este escritor sempre soube que a má interpretação faz parte da Jornada e não há por que temê-la. Imagine se Jesus desistisse de pregar o Evangelho assim que pensasse em todos os sectários, supostamente baseados no que Ele falou, que surgiriam no mundo.

Neste caso mais recente, a partir do conhecimento que adquiri nessa experiência anterior eu mantive-me em posição de Defesa (e eles ainda conseguem "acreditar" que quem está se guardando do mal são eles, mesmo não buscando a Palavra para terem Algo a guardar). Não precisava sentar no banco pensando em ser mais do que amiga e irmã, não é mesmo? O problema é que o mundo vive numa loucura egoísta e obsessiva generalizada em que poucos são capazes de enxergar que nunca serão mais do que isso se não forem pelo menos isso. A miséria e falta de ambição do descrente é profunda; ele não pensa em ter nada de Relevante para dar, apenas em receber (mentiras).

Por que eu digo que sei qual seria o conselho? Porque quem conhece Provérbios sabe que a pessoa "simples" pode parecer não ser "exigente" com o outro, mas, uma vez que não é exigente consigo mesma, é atraída pelas mesmas "coisas" que indivíduos "ambiciosos" são; quem não busca o Forte é fraco. Você sabe do que eu estou falando... olhos que não brilham por Ela em primeiro Lugar não podem brilhar por você. E não há como investir em quem não busca se revestir de Luz, quem prefere aquela dos holofotes. Ainda bem que eu não tinha isso para motivar uma "aproximação". Ela era humilde? Para que exatamente ela precisava de mim?

Você não tem certeza que a situação seja essa?

Eu tenho. 🥚

Hey, World

Are you alright? You look not very whole.

domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2025

In One

On One. 🔌

It's Not Hard To Choose Love

Um superfocado nunca perde seu Tempo; se ele tem um só Bem, ele nunca chamará de seu bem quem não fez a mesma escolha, pois não é possível possuir realmente quem é parte do sistema.

Eu tive um sonho que não posso contar ainda, mas creio que chegará o dia de contar o que é.

I Can Hear Nalu Vibration

Can you feel It all over the Moonworld?

Welcome to Nu LA.

They Can't Feel

Because they are lost and looking for no Love.

Go find the Equilibrium.

Why Go Back Inside?

If Ali says she's gonna be Out there where she is for Daniel, he's gotta trust her and lose not his Reason, starting to "think" that she might have listened to her parents or her "self" and is inside doing "business" with someone else.

Outsiders' Business

You see how the "rich" and "famous" are actually miserable and unknown? That's the equivalent to hacking a "human" being's smartphone in the highly evolved technological "present". That's why strangers should limit themselves to saying, "Wake up", "You're in danger" and "Do you still want to meet?".

To Be Or Not To Be Nice

Alright, you all are evil. Do you somehow filter out the Good, keeping that which is not enough but you can use to feel "good" about your "self"? Who are you listening to, to have Something to teach? Are you sure you are protected as you hide from the Light? What happens if you suddenly return to the darkness of before coming into being while chasing the sun? What if you don't cease to exist? Will you feel way better or worse in the ultimate "party" of those who worshipped "things" He has not commanded? I don't know about you, but I need some Answer that inspires me to ask these questions.

The problem is probably more critical when you're dealing with people involved with "entertainment", but pagans in general are used to idolatry. So, unless they are sick of the lack of individuality and of being as dumb and inert as any other mind that makes up the cursed ground, they will be blind to the Difference in what you type. The state of disgrace and the broad way are no joke; you are going somewhere you can't see, where any quality you may have will be destroyed. Well, maybe some can perceive they are not staying the same.

When it's over, your "friends" and fans will stay here typing ordinary words, remembering the "angel" you were, knowing not that you're already a demon there.

Would you like to postpone your departure from the system, just to test if you are Alice?

Good luck.

Maybe you'll need it.

sábado, 8 de fevereiro de 2025

The Season Is Now


Stitch Doesn't Believe In The Cursed Words

You shouldn't either. Because God does not take into account any "thing" the world says to make a difference between a good and an evil man. Do liars desire to hear Truth? Do "friends" desire to hear Wisdom? That's not what "men" and "women" are looking for, unless they are somehow secretly convinced that that place is not where they belong. So you're in a real bad spot there if the "treasures" you are storing up are the separated people's words you get in return by saying that which pleases them. Just try to tell that God is no Genie of the Lamp, that He won't help them achieve the "changes" they are hoping to happen for them "selves", to improve their "lives", that either they change or they'll end up in the definitive hell. Afterwards tell me how many friends you were able to make.

Fools are willful, childish and boring; some are rebellious like the devil. That's why you shouldn't "think" it's insanity the word in Deuteronomy that commands to be put to death a son with no talent to be jewish. The great controversy in the Old Testament, that those who haven't begun exploring the Truth are unable to interpret, is that you might believe all people can change, but the One who created them does not. When an officer kills a criminal, do you think He would allow that to happen, to die without repenting and returning to Him, if the criminal were a chosen one? That doesn't mean the officer is righteous; he could still find the same eternal fate when his time to go comes. It's a hard wisdom; even those who are no longer a part of this self-righteous "society" have trouble identifying who is what.

Jesus cast the Seed into the system's cursed ground knowing those who were not of it, who would receive and keep It, Water and make It grow. So it's not true that He was giving Himself thinking about the whole world of "men" and "women", the whole nation. To be just He had to call everyone; however, one needs talent, that is, to be a particular good ground, to join and stay in the Company. Even the devil would "accept to be saved" if he didn't have to change and could keep lying. And that's what you find out there at temples used for "social" gatherings, "emotional" experiences, a bunch of lost people believing that Jesus "loves" them, mistaking Him for a "friend" concerned with their "happiness", seeking no Thing (not the Way they should) that could really save them from death and perdition.

Humanity needed to be punished for what they did in the beginning, choosing to love lies and letting Her go. Actually, the punishment was written in the LAW, like in a law of physics. All they had to do was jump together from the top of the Building to see if it wasn't true that they would be the ones ending up broken and dead, and not the LAW, as the serpent inspired them to "believe". The real jews always knew they had stoned each other in search of a strange "transcendence", that Truth would be born of a real woman to give his Life and save those willing to walk the Way, searching for Her. That is, it's not possible to be saved without the desire of Wisdom, without taking the great commandment seriously; you'd be practicing the same "religion" of those who gave ears to false prophets in the past.

sexta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2025

Summer Feelings Are Waiting (Toxic Enemy)

Only those searching for the Son in the night can find them.

Because our Love is the only Way.

O Caminho Da Velhice Infinita

Onde "tudo" que já se viu é visto de novo, e nada de Novo é visto.


Fui ali resgatar (pelo menos tentar) uma sem LAR e fazê-la + maravilhosa, come una sirena. ;)

Você Sabe

A culpa é do papelão.

Você quer uma carreira nessa indústria? Não há outra opção no sistema, só se produz papelão por lá.

Are You Dreaming Of The Top Of The Hole?

Can you get a bus or something to get Out of the evil bed? Not likely. When you think you have gone anywhere better, somewhere along the way you discover the driver was Freddy. So you'd better start asking, searching for the Answer and stop waiting for an "opportunity", because it could show up and get you "smiling", calling it a "blessing".

The "Civilization" Is The Island

Sending a message to the NEO A-4?

Let's Talk About Betrayal

If one day you received the Present and, instead of working for the Future, you have taken the same way to the "future" that pagans selfishly follow in their quest for "relevance" and "glory", I'm sorry to inform you that, you didn't notice it, but you fell from Grace that day. Do you remember which day was that? Maybe you've thought about pleasing your parents, or you could have just listened to your "self" and let him or her take control.

Little Anointed One

Now that All is in my head, Thompson is going to have a hard time trying to convince me to take the "things" that make It go away.

Tramas Do "Sucesso"

Let me get my low "life" at the top of the scale, because even the "pious man" who goes to the "church" is working for that. Wait... there's something wrong with what I'm seeing. Is my intuition telling me he has never asked for Her wholeheartedly and therefore is no pupil? If he is not one, he has no Way to climb Up and become a master someday. If he has no Thing to hear and say, how can he be a business man?

That's what fools see; we see a beggar.

O Negócio de quem tem Fazenda é Rock.

quinta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2025

What's Your Business Anyway?

Don't you think people live miserable existences in darkness for acknowledging not they desperately need the Light? You are taught you need to choose one of the ways available in the world, choose what you want to be. But is there a way to be yourself searching not for the Truth? You see? Living in the system is acting. Try to imagine one, at the end of life, receiving a revelation of all he could've been and lived, and didn't, for "thinking" that walking the Way would be "boring" and "all" that the world had to offer were much more "exciting". You see? It's an upside down trap that uses "religion" to convince you that the "opportunities" are the greatest.

I've studied the shit in detail, you still "think" I haven't? I am so conscious of the difference between "all" and All, that since I've gotten High it has never crossed my mind to give It up for a "company" I could have in darkness. To go back to the cursed place and relax, that is, retire? I know "women" like retards and old guys, but I wouldn't be capable of liking my paralyzed "self". All that bla bla bla about getting a low "life" is for the defeated ones. Like, who can bear a "woman" that only talks about that, about money as if Life were in the "goods" she can buy to have her cheap sensation, the only "transcendence" she aspires to experience?

I admit I'm being limited. No "woman" loves money and no "thing" more; she also talks about "men". So, if you're a "man" and one of the idols you seek is a "woman", the more you "work" the bigger your chance is to get her. Because you are nothing to her without "wealth", nobody without "status" or "fame". The only exception is the extremely good looking one, who can takeover her Hopelessly weak heart and make her drunk with his "quality", being dismissed from having to show any other to be admitted into her "company". What? Do not be of such a little faith in "human" nature, give the unrepentant a chance to show she can also be "romantic".

Let's talk about the real woman? I said it before and I'll say it again: a luxury good to have is the one who has ended up in some Quadra's hands.

The Bee's Honey

It's All in my Metal head.

If you ask, I'll say it must be a Quantum Entanglement from Upstairs.

Starting An Emergency Generation

Any ideas?

Who is going to teach six-year-olds to Post?

Can You Too?

Come HERE now, 03.

What Time Is It?

Four minutes have passed. I'm following the advice and the progress has been great so far on the Way of real men and women. Will I find a Philadelphian to help me Out with the task? Will the Plot take a surprise twist again? I must keep working from the Kingdom and writing my plan. Because, you know, when you have already gotten the Farm, there's a Lot of Milk and Honey to busy yourself with, even without the cow and the bee, only the Rock.


Yesterday, I knew about La Isla de las Tentaciones, another illusion show to show what the adulterous generation has to show. So it's highly evangelistical, because after watching that, if you still don't decide to leave, you have a "reason" to "fear" that you could be one of them who came into the world to stay the whole time. I mean, it's a fake reason, just like the fear, but you will never get it reconnected to the Reason in order to leave the Loveless chaotic island of the self-centered and know what is real. So the illusion could be forever and get much worse, since you have no Hope where the real romantics dwell to return to.

quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2025

The Capricciosa Just Left "Home" For Good

Yes, every "thing" in place of Life is a merely external caprice that leaves you wrong inside, standing still and completely unchanged from beginning to end, wasting every day with a "present" which will never be useful to write a plan that stands Out from the rest's. Because upon receiving it and choosing to be a part of that "society" which embraces independence, you are writing a first base line that says, "I dare not question the miserable definition of 'change' found in a fool's dictionary". That's why, warrior, once you receive the Present from the Father and access the wise's definition of 'Time', you must hold your real Thing tight and let Him not go.

The Result Never Vary

Behind the apparent success, inside your mind and your cells, this is what's going on as you take your daily blue pill. So don't stop taking it, or else without the money to take care of your "self" the world will notice your situation, by means of the only "thing" it observes in its method of inquiry to determine if you're in the state of "elevation" and "nobility" it desires.

Mots Are Forever

The distracted fool is like that: if you call him up to come see a river where you've just found diamonds, he'll stop every "thing" he is doing to go check out your discovery. But if you contact him talking about the Word that turns "humans" into true lovers, he won't postpone any "thing", won't doubt his top priority for a moment to go meet you in search of the Treasure you have briefly uncovered. And it's not a matter of going into detail, because unless the individual is annoyed by his own emptiness and questioning "all" he sees around, "reality" to him will remain that which is built with unvarying fallen matter and words.

What if you prove that your "fantasy" is powerful to create the apparent changes they are looking for? Oh, then they are going to mistake the Word for the Genie of the Lamp and become really "excited" about "learning how to do the trick". That's why the individual can't get It started without receiving Sight. How are you going any Where seeing not the Kingdom? It'll remain a Territory you have never known. Maybe you consider its existence beyond the human mind, that is, having its Source in the Divine One. If you do that, then there's Hope for you. Don't you think a real Job at Redwood is + glamourous?

Don't You Wonder?

Only fools believe in "love".

I used to be fool, but now I'm just rad.

Rompe-Ferro Rumo Ao Topo

Ele nasceu para a tarefa dura como ferro.

How Does A Magicmaker Do It?

It's a matter of Faith. He believes in the Future, and has no "fear" of being left behind by "friends" in search of a "future". Of Course, it also takes a lot of training; you must act daily to find the Line. So, you're not going any Where without the Passion for the Good News.

terça-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2025

She's Not Making It Easy

A Rennie está em busca de um galo-sereia.

Dare To Be Different

Não seja molly; seja durão.

"Human" Nature

"I leave before being left. I decide."

Let me paint a little picture for you: idolaters believe in the self-centered heart, but those who are guided by the good Faith do not. If you sit at the table with anyone else who is not looking for some good secrets to disclose to you, that person is certainly keeping evil secrets from you.

Do you know the most common evil secret they keep? That they're with you only as long as they don't meet somebody "better" than you along their vain way. So it's only a matter of time seeking no Thing for you to be dumped and feel perplexed with the fruit of instability (which is running through your veins too).

You're going to ask your "self", "How couldn't I see it coming?". You were going no Where, right? Each new day having no Thing to talk to and about was a new bad sign you were ignoring because of "love".

It's best you ladies and gentlemen leave the butcher shop.

It's gone out of Business a long time ago.

The Saddest Thing

You can't blame other people for what happens to whom was your responsibility to really take care of. Well, he could've taken her to see a doctor, who, sharing the same Eddie's limitation, would've given her a pill.

How many around you only have to offer a word that "life" can be great if you believe and give it a chance? Is that "faith" and "hope" enough? Isn't that the speech of those who love lies, and therefore cannot uncover the Truth?

To take her to the "church"? That would also have been useless. Actually, if she found Jesus, she would be the one trying to save him. If he remained seeking not to be the pupil, master and priest he needed to be, she would be the one turning her back on him lying dead on the same side.

I believe in all controversial words they run away from.

You find the real big Difference only when you're rad.

segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2025

It's Time To Get Along

Let's Dot, just you and me, Up there.

Is It?

When you're in the Matrix, you will notice those same "things" Eddie believed to be the definition of a change in life. And why was his vision hopelessly limited to its boundaries? Because he was the type who dares not to question how deep is the difference between "losers" and "winners" in the system, that is, he was already defeated by it.

Since he didn't recognize he had an enemy to fight, Smith came to him offering a special blue pill that would give him a "future", he took it, tasted the "difference" and made the forsaking of the illusion a much harder task than when "all" he had was still only a wish. Why go back if he had money to buy "security" and a home there with a hell of a view?

Only those who search for the Answer, are interested in secrets Nobody knows, discover that's not the movie's MSG.

Can You Make Elise's Goods?

Because I love bit On characters more than bit off coins, which can't buy me Love or a Ticket to a new Day, I use my Card to play the Game and serve the Ultraboss. Did you know that one gotta Cross to the other Side to have his debt erased and become capable of Dotting? That's why no one stores Up treasures for himself in Heaven unless he is in the Kingdom.

And none of them are neo.

Where is she?

Saint Caratina

By daily use of Reason to seek Herself we exercise our senses and grow stronger, to make a difference between true and false friends, in a Way that it's unmistakably clear who is in Time and who is not.

Welcome To The Other Side

Now you're in Love.

Rest in Peace.

What Do You "Think"?


Don't you want the silver more than Her?

The Will To Succeed

Who's gonna Plug their ears?

Who's gonna Drive you Home, where we hear?

Is It The Exorcist?

Not exactly; it is a movie about obsession.

The Matrix is like an union of them two; it is a movie about a world where everybody is possessed and obsessed. What most people don't know, though, is that you don't need to have an evil spirit inside you to be possessed by the enemy; all it takes is to be obsessed with your own will. And as long as they cling to the belief that in the freedom to do it lies the secret to happiness, they will not be ready to be Unplugged. Since all are born "friends", naturally their desire can't be for Wisdom until they give it up, that is, stop believing that possessing the "things" they're looking for like everybody else is what is going to make a difference in their lives.

domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2025

Não Há Como Negar

No princípio da nova versão de toda Beth compatível com o coração de Ouro, assim como da nova carreira de toda aquela bem-sucedida nos negócios sérios, era o Verbo.

A Radiant Pear Princess

A real capricciosa Crosses and Dots.


Dedetize a Tina; remova a pobreza e encha-a de Luxo.

Turning Around To Her

The darkness is the dwelling place of blood suckers and flesh eaters, and they're out there searching for you, ready to choose you as their most wished for blue pill. They believe in the "goods" that can come out of the nightmare, which still won't even begin filling the emptiness left by the fall. There can be no royal and strong pulse in any of them currently separated from the Mind. So you know what kind of proposal you'll be accepting, of threesome you'll be in by taking a chance with somebody else in the same off state, who is looking for no Thing that could turn himself or herself On.

Have you made up your mind if you're willing to be a "friend" forever? Will you still want to "live" forever if justice is done, so that your appearance reflects the ugliness of your soul?

It's All Upside Down

You're the one going sound, and they're the ones staying alone and untreated, believing it to be a great opportunity to be a part of the slaughterhouse, only to have the "things" they need and want more than the Truth. So if you're too lazy to follow the same road the unquestioning minds are on, if you have lost "hope" that any "thing" you could find along that way would ever make you comfortable and happy, you have a big chance of getting High and escaping the company of the lowlifes.

You only have to show Good to the Director; you don't need to have any of them willing to buy It for Him to be pleased with you.

Would You Go Crazy Alone?

Even if you uncover the Truth, maybe you'd still be the only one wanting to get into Her, to pay the price.

What A Real Privilege It Is

To have the ability to seek and find Her daily, don't you think? What could be a greater opportunity? I find it the strangest thing a world where nobody has no Thing to say; I just could never fit in and feel at Home in a place like that. Is there any Life in them or do they suppose the "things" they desire can give them something comparable to Her? It's just a terrible idea to confide in my "self", because that's just no Faith and I am left apart from Love and my condisciples by "hoping" to "succeed" like they do in the falsehood system.

Why do they ask for a color TV and a Mercedes Benz if they will remain Color-blind and unable to go any Where?

Her eyes are deep, just like the Wisdom that covers her.

So, Where can one find her? How?

sábado, 1 de fevereiro de 2025

Pick It Up, Sister Christian

You're being called back to your Land.

The Ultraboss wants to employ you to uncover the Truth.

Slaves Of The Real Job

High St is mine!!

Não pense impureza... É: tira do Egito, põe na Terra Prometida e deixa ficar.

Surprise (And No Surprise)

Certa vez, em 2010 ou 2011, enquanto eu deixava o castelo, a Carol, que na época era adolescente e estudava na escola lá, comentou com alguém, "Ele parece o Winchester do Supernatural, não parece?". Depois desse dia, ela só me chamou desse nome. Eu me lembro de ter pesquisado então quem era o ator e pensado, "Deve ser por causa do cabelo".

Em uma das "festas" que eles organizavam no estacionamento, eu fui conversar com ela para saber quais professores ainda lecionavam lá. Quando descobri que ela havia sido aluna da mesma professora de biologia, comentei que desconfiava (na verdade, eu tinha certeza) que ela era tarada. Foi quando ela disse, "É! Ela gravou vídeos com os alunos!".

Há poucos dias, o nome desse personagem voltou à minha mente e tive a curiosidade de pesquisá-lo novamente (por que será?).

Eu não tinha lembrança nenhuma disso, uma vez que nunca assisti à série.

Expensive Trick

Let's work to get Her, baby; let the Potter hide you in Security and show you how awesome and beautiful you are.

sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2025

Thank You, Prophetess Cláudia

Do not be deceived by your "self" and someone who is not else or seeking to be, who does not hide any secret condition that he or she is daring to follow. Because the ego is a source of "joy", no Thing more. So, if the cowardly excusing drunk world is "talking" to you, you know it's not the Lot it wants to see, thus it can never be the you word, you light and salt the one thing being desired in the second place. And you know what happens if you, who was never really the secondary reason for any of their "moves", lose the "things" they desire.

quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2025

Only Empty People Crying For Their "Dreams"

A cross that your breasts are gonna deform and make it look like a pickaxe is a nice idea of tattoo for an aluna. But only an aluno that is special for her gotta know about it.