sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2025

Thank You, Prophetess Cláudia

Do not be deceived by your "self" and someone who is not else or seeking to be, who does not hide any secret condition that he or she is daring to follow. Because the ego is a source of "joy", no Thing more. So, if the cowardly excusing drunk world is "talking" to you, you know it's not the Lot it wants to see, thus it can never be the you word, you light and salt the one thing being desired in the second place. And you know what happens if you, who was never really the secondary reason for any of their "moves", lose the "things" they desire.

quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2025

Only Empty People Crying For Their "Dreams"

A cross that your breasts are gonna deform and make it look like a pickaxe is a nice idea of tattoo for an aluna. But only an aluno that is special for her gotta know about it.

I Metal

"For thou, O God, hast proved us: thou hast tried us, as silver is tried."

Thank You, Psycho Yana

You rock.

How Stars Are Born And Grow

Do people watch actors and, because of the talent they observe, they sort of "spiritualize" them, believing that if they can pretend to be people who think, feel, behave in a different way than their actual personalities, that must mean they live in a transcendent state of Mind and do not share any of the dramas experienced by their characters? Even those who cross to the other Side don't change overnight, they just become capable of finding the real Difference, step by step, day by day.

Idolaters are always people of low self-esteem. But who isn't and who can find a satisfactory answer to the problem without getting into Him? When the idolater happens to become the idol, no matter how much unwholesome admiration he or she gets, nothing really changes. That's why you remain Helpless, even surrounded by a multitude of other unrepentant fools focused on you. In most cases, does "fame" happen by accident or do people "work" to make it happen?

Trinity recalled, "I oil can't, in this cheap and old babacar".

It's best you go Out there and get drenched in the Rain.

Let's Just Do It Again

As greatly as last year.

Matthew 22 (The Deportation)

"Liken yourselves to foreigners; of what sort are they in the eyes of your city?"

The King will like you if you turn to Her, wear Her and become true.

Because Heaven is for the radical ones.

quarta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2025

La Capricciosa

1988 Ortolana St.

22 Territory

"But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him."

Do you know this secret from the One who is holy and true?

If God seeks the ones willing to be in a spiritual Relationship with Him, which is the only Way to be true, how can you take any other "way" with another "human" being and still expect it to work out as you "plan" it to?

Stop and investigate.

You could be still residing in the shallow house.

Where's J? And J?

You would cry too if it happened to you.

Subtração Forçada Da "Vida"

"O brasileiro diz que a orientação de advogados com quem conversou é não ir a lugares com muitos imigrantes e evitar conviver com pessoas cujo passado ou ficha criminal você não conhece."

É verdade, até a "igreja" é um lugar perigoso de se ir, de conversação inútil que representa uma ameaça para quem não se sente confortável na "festa".

Se você é a Whitney, chamando silenciosamente pela Verdade, você pode se ver num beco sem saída, tendo que radicalizar para que Ela subtraia-lhe do sistema e adicione-lhe à Vida.

Após a passagem para o outro Lado, o inimigo irá usar essas pessoas para tentar subtrair-lhe d'Ela.

School Zone, Lazybones

It's just me Plus you and our Classmates, Minus the whole world of fools.

That's Mine Girl

Let's leave the drunk world behind and bathe in the Moonlight.

New Retro Castle

Semana passada eu comprei esse arco de uma empresa que manda fabricar seus produtos na China, e quando o recebi Segunda-Feira descobri que ele veio da década de 80. Olhe aí por quê. 🦊

Eu fiquei intrigado também quando procurei a tecla de barra de diretório e estava faltando; sua importância foi desprezada e ela ficou de fora do projeto. Mas isso eu resolvi com o AutoHotkey. 🏎️

The Moonworld Is Getting Less Rich Out There

The Deep Territory Records channel is gone, and Collins Dictionary has changed, being no longer the greater source of secrets than Merriam is.

Thank God, I have it All in my head.

An Odd Sort Of Life

Nobody to talk to.

It's amazing.

terça-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2025

Get In, Priests And Priestesses

It's warm in Him, there's Motion and a Job for you. Because in the Brainless nightmare and out there, in the fake company of a multitude of eyes turned outward, is where the "friends" dwell and search for the lies that can make it look to them that they have climbed up and left the misery behind, just to feel a little more "comfortable" in them "selves".

Sticking With The Holy Joy Story

Pay attention to what your "self" is trying to do whenever it speaks in your heart asking to take control, telling you it's a waste of time to search for your Mind and keep listening to It. It's going to tell you that if you're willing to "work" hard, focus on the ego, it can make you "famous", "rich" and "beautiful" among the other Reasonless fools. However, neglecting to mention that none of them will ever truly love you because of that. So no matter how hard you try to please a self-centered soul, you'll never get Love in return from who just doesn't believe in working for Him, or Her.

You don't need many lines for someone to see and love you, and they don't even need to be already new, just hide the wish for the One you lack. Because, eventually, someone will notice it. But why wait when you can be that person to love Truth and yourself, right? Because then, when you meet him or her, both of you will have a better chance of making not the same mistake as the first ones to embrace the wrong tree. That's how we should be, strong; the stronger we are, the deeper our experience of Happiness can be. It's hard, but it's way harder to anesthetize the emptiness and the loneliness, just to find we've gone no Where when it's over.

Let's Meet S'Ena, Mona Friend

We have a Lot to see in Hope, with the help of the Sun.

We don't have to "fear", 'cause It's just SO right.

Shallow House Of The Criminally Insane

I guess while you dwell in it, enjoying being fallen, you'll "think" you're a musician, but...


Unless you...


And become crazy...

🔙🧠➕? No 🛣️!

When Your "Something" Isn't The Good Enough

Will you join all who came before us and played the Game, or will you stay until the end with those who couldn't realize Life was no foolish vain game of "love"? Do you know why the world uses the word 'idol' freely and guiltlessly, as if the "feeling" that defines it were normal and acceptable? Because fools don't believe in sin, only in "society" and its definition of 'crime'; the retards "think" it's backward thinking, that the only "heaven" that exists is made of the lies they can find in it.

Oh, I'm so sorry for exploding it "all".

Who commanded you to embrace the wrong tree, happy slave?

segunda-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2025

Holy Shit Case

Stop! Let's investigate it better, because I think she'd get into a chocolate fight as well for wanting Something badly enough.

Gutter Coke

You shouldn't try this One, which has the best quality in the Monoworld.

What are the odds that you won't like Her and become crazy?

Agente Do Futuro

Independentemente se alguém escolhe deixar o estado de distração e caminhar junto, Ela está sempre mandando Bem. Portanto, esperto é quem sabe que essa aposta só depende que um a faça, isto é, somente um receba o Bem para que o Sucesso aconteça. Como assim?? Sim, você nunca parou para pensar nisso? Apenas o Amor permanece. Ou você realmente acredita que todo "sucesso" não irá perecer com os idólatras?

Os colombianos atravessaram o deserto em busca do "paraíso", e agora irão voltar para o mesmo barraco de onde nunca saíram, nem poderiam. Mas quem nasce por lá faz o mesmo que eles, não faz?

Are Those Who Stay "Stronger" Than Me?

"Good" for them and everyone who is not thirsty.

I Can't Do This For Another Day

Eu quase tive um Neo Geo CD, que estava R$ 220 numa loja de usados, enquanto o tão aguardado Ultra 64 (que acabou não sendo chamado assim) estava R$ 400 no Del Rey em 1997. Mesmo sendo usado, eu achava que estava muito barato. Mas eu não sabia sobre o macaquinho malabarista (a velocidade do drive de CD era 1x), e de qualquer forma resolvi apostar que o futuro do N64 seria tão brilhante quanto o do Super Nintendo, o que não aconteceu e o PlayStation continuou sendo a grande febre no mercado dos jogos eletrônicos. E bastava manter o nome nas gerações posteriores para, fazendo uso da febre, garantir a continuidade de seu sucesso. Hoje, mesmo com apenas pouquíssimos jogos exclusivos não sendo lançados também para Xbox e o hardware do concorrente tendo praticamente o mesmo poder, as pessoas tendem a escolher a máquina da Sony por causa do que esse nome representou no passado.

Em 2015, quando meu irmão perguntou-me qual dos dois eu preferia, pensando em me dar um no meu aniversário, eu disse que era o PS4 por causa dos sinais que recebi naquele ano. Eu não sou fã de nenhum dos dois, acho que só vale a pena ter um e outro por causa dos exclusivos, e comprar os outros jogos para PC. É um absurdo as duas empresas bloquearem o acesso à internet nos sistemas para que os jogos só se conectem aos servidores dos desenvolvedores se você pagar uma mensalidade.

Nos anos 90, se eu tivesse escolhido o console da SNK, isso teria mudado os fatos que tenho para contar? Como na locadora do bairro (Puro Games) não tinha jogos de Neo Geo, eu teria ido ao Centro da cidade mais vezes. Que evento intrigante pode ter deixado de acontecer, o qual eu estaria contando aqui hoje? Eu penso isso toda vez que saio de casa, se a viagem com as pernas pode ser mais produtiva do que aquela com os dedos. Bem, naquela época eu ainda não tinha Razão e não havia ingressado na Escola da Comunicação. No entanto, mais tarde eu poderia virar-me para trás, olhar para algo que vi e ouvi enquanto estava perdido no lugar amaldiçoado, e descobrir a Mensagem escondida ali.

Porque preferi um Nintendo 64, eu me vi alugando Resident Evil 2 para jogar no feriado, quando então fui convidado para viajar para a praia e deixei o desafio de escapar do inferno para outro dia. E tal dia chegou naquele ano ainda. Mas há um outro fato que teria deixado de acontecer. Eu me lembro de, voltando de certo lugar, ter passado nessa locadora e alugado o 1080º Snowboarding. Que lugar era esse? Retiro do Chalé.

Coincidência ou inspiração misteriosa da Mother Agent?

Rompendo A Madrugada

Esse jogo de caçar pernilongos não tem fim. Parece até o multiplayer do Tomb Raider; você mata os 4 solariis, aparecem mais 4. Você acha que venceu, mas no dia seguinte tem mais três rodadas para jogar, pela manhã, à tarde e à noite. Então eu resolvi aprimorar meu arsenal além da raquete elétrica e tive uma ideia: umidificador + essência de citronela. Será que essa bomba vai funcionar?


Namorado De Alumínio?

Do tipo burrinho que pode ter Tudo, ou do tipo que decidiu ficar no lugar burro o tempo todo?

Sounding The Siren From The High Castle

It's me, crazy Leo.

Greek ladies, how are you planning to Esc🐵?

Cedar Lake

Beware! It is infectious.

Oil Lamp

Everybody is one and fills it with something, that keeps them foolish or makes them wise. The difference between same and other people is that some "think" it takes a Genie with the "things" they wish for to be "happy", whereas others know that it takes Good and no "thing" more.

A daughter of "woman" isn't enough.

But the Siren's daughter is, because she has it All.

domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2025

Joining Dorothy In The Big Changes Business

Heads full of Rock.

Uns Caras De Forte

"Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them hath he set a tabernacle for the sun,"

We're not country or international hicks; we're the type from the Siren's Corner.

Irene took us to the good Year and enrolled us in the School of Communication.


We're losing time, but this could be plus fort in Autoperfection.


"It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep."

The problem children are retired now.

Conexão, Objetividade e Movimento

Suponhamos que você tivesse nascido paralítico e seu desejo fosse apenas poder andar para movimentar-se de um lugar para outro, como todos aqueles que não nasceram com tal deficiência. Se você ainda encontra-se desconectado da Razão, não percebeu que há algo errado nesse "sonho", pelo menos não conscientemente. Porém, se mesmo possuindo apenas "razão", você tem dificuldade para encaixar-se e parece não haver lugar que possa oferecer uma resposta, uma solução para seu sentimento de inadequação, ainda que se esforce para pertencer ao mundo dos tolos e não parecer louco, continuará assombrado diariamente pelo questionamento se não haveria um outro Mundo no qual o movimento dependeria d'Ela.

OK! Com suas duas pernas e sem a Razão você pode ir ao show, à balada. Mas o que você pretende ver e ouvir lá sem Ela?

Sabendo Jesus que aqueles que queriam apenas pão e interpretaram mal seu milagre já pensavam em colocá-lo nas costas e fazê-lo "rei", fugiu para o monte. Semelhantemente, se a Boa Nova fosse sobre dar apenas a saúde do corpo, como se fosse um fim em si mesma, não seria sobre arrancar o mal pela raiz. Ele nunca curou para que o indivíduo pudesse ter "vida" segundo a definição dos ímpios, recebendo uma melhor condição física para buscar as mesmas mentiras.

Talvez você já tenha ouvido uma definição de 'pecado' que seria "errar o Alvo". Se você mira embaixo, não somente erra o Alvo, você permanece um escravo em estado de pecado. Uma vez que a verdadeira humildade e a ambição espiritual caminham de mãos dadas, quem deixa para mirar no Alto apenas após a morte, isto é, não tem um real Objetivo, está nos maus lençóis das virgens loucas. Pois Ele não se contenta com menos do que uma companhia virtuosa na qual possa confiar.

Como identificar alguém que mira embaixo? A forma com que a pessoa se relaciona com a política e com a ciência, previamente conhecida como filosofia natural, a denuncia. Quando há um interesse distraído, um foco na "mudança" que elas trazem, isto é, passam a ser vistas como fins em si mesmas, você tem aí um amigo do mundo da serpente, bem abraçado com a árvore que deu origem ao mal e que pode até mesmo estar se dizendo "cristão".

sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2025

King And Queen Of The Jungle High

Boom! Woof!

Two real monkeys.

Into The House Of Business In Hope, SO

Out there in evil, surrounded by the ones who think and feel inside the box, I watch your back, you watch mine.

A Lot Off

Husband, Father

These are the lines of "bio" people write from the same side.

And none of them is the real thing.

Defina Loucura

Salomão utilizava o comportamento do "pobre" que não se conformava em ser "pobre", lançando-se na exploração de matéria mineral de alto valor escondida em alguma profundidade na terra, para explicar como o tolo que não se conformava em ser tolo acreditava e determinava-se para obter Sucesso.

Tolice e loucura são palavras sinônimas nas Escrituras. Portanto, o louco seria alguém que se contentaria em ser tolo, não buscando se tratar para ficar melhor e não acabar piorando.

No Evangelho, a própria Sabedoria em forma de homem vem confirmando e reafirmando toda a radicalidade necessária para encontrá-LA.

O indivíduo que recebe o Espírito que santifica verdadeiramente e, ao invés de dar o segundo passo para concluir a passagem do mundo ao Reino e entrar no Caminho, tornando-se assim discípulo, acovarda-se e dá um passo atrás, preferindo ter uma "religião", é semelhante a um louco que ganha na Mega Sena e joga o bilhete premiado fora.

Se você fez isso, esperando que a "sociedade" desse algum sinal de que você estava cometendo uma loucura, esqueceu-se de que o mundo não tem Fé e não vê vantagem em tê-LA.

Os não rebeldes só cavam a própria cova, não vendo sentido algum em agir na busca de qualquer Linha para dizerem e guiá-los até a próxima, progredindo assim no Caminho que conduz à Vida.

sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2025

Your Folks Are On The Way Up

"They wandered in the wilderness in a solitary way; they found no city to dwell in."

He helps the bowed down, unwilling to stay put and looking for the Arrow, rise Up.

Wise Devils

"Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Heaven is for those who don't put up with falsehood and the emptiness of Answer for long. Maybe it's Something that the soul, even in a body deeply affected by the fall, can remember and wishes for.

What if this wish has some reflection on cells? It would mean that by waking up the believer can work to reprogram them and fix the damages.

Who is ready for the odd Conversation?

Breaking Out Of The Cursed Day

Everybody in hell and they're thinking about "women", "men" and the "things" a fool desires. I guess the self-centered willful soul waits for the deepest depression to come to see it "all" stop making any "sense". But then it'll be too late to give it up and call Her to take you Home; you decided to stay the whole time and call hell the only place you'd ever care to know and set your "self" up in.

If Jesus Can, You Can

"Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to him."

Who broke their concentration on the Sun?

quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2025

Royal Impulse

He wants to take away the Dog from her.

Present And Future In The Lot Of Study

Eu sempre achei "tudo" muito chato. Mas tornei-me um cara de Sorte aos 17 anos, quando o "presente" e todos os "futuros" possíveis no mundo ficaram assustadores. Eu já estava suspeitando de que a Irene estava me chamando, então chamei-A de volta; Ela veio me buscar no lugar amaldiçoado e levou-me para passear na High St pela primeira Vez. É lógico que abracei a Chance de permanecer naquele belo Dia e não voltar para aquele de "amor" e "medo". Afinal, quem não gostaria de ser motorista de Trator quando crescesse, ainda que fosse necessário muito estudo? Apenas os mentirosos e vaidosos que não deixam "oportunidades" passarem.

O Babacar Está Em Todo Lugar

Não importa o tamanho do seu "sucesso", nele você sempre será do azar; enquanto sua Conexão não for restaurada, você não será capaz de baixar nada de Fora da rede do Babacar. Ao invés de vencê-lo, seu único conceito de desafio será "vencer" dentro e embaixo, submetendo-se ao alinhamento que, para quem já tem facilidade em acreditar em falar e fazer "tudo" pelo ego sem nada questionar, acontece automaticamente.


The Base, one fan or one million fans? The Word is a Good enough for those who turn around to Her; other people rely on the same drunk people they are, who are content with being no source of Truth, to find the "goods" to replace Her and leave them indefinitely and uselessly searching for "satisfaction".

The World Of Retards Is Gonna Let You Down

You can see it when you turn on your PC, your phone; you can feel it when you go to school, when you go to work, to church...

Disconnected and surrounded by fools you will always be alone. Will you let it have you and do what it commands you to do? Or will you obey, give it "all" up, search and have Her? You're in pain, but other people having it with a "smile" on their faces are only getting worse as they find "all" they've wanted in there; they have no Reason to live.

Stay a little longer, just to find Revenge, and get deeper and deeper in It.

There is a better Way for us to leave that shit.


Essa história de ir para os Estados Unidos em missão está mal contada, e não é difícil saber a real "razão"; a história que esta abelha conta é continuamente confirmada pela Rainha.

Eu acho que eles não gostam de uma história cheia de Razão, preferindo aquela com manipulação. Se eu falar que se eles derem uma oferta aqui, Deus irá fazê-los "ricos" como o Bezos e o Musk lá, e se não derem, irá mandá-los de volta para cá, e ainda por cima para uma cidade do interior com uma igreja católica, uma praça e uma loja de sorvete aguado na esquina, meu negócio vai começar a "prosperar".

Alguns escolhem perder tempo, enquanto outros permitem-se perder Tempo.

Medo eu só tenho de voltar à falsidade e perder a Razão.

What Do You Know About Life?

"He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."

You're already in hell, you just don't know it yet.

Is there any real advantage in staying, even if you're chosen to "win"?

Fiquei Sem Nada

Jah sei onde encontrar uma psycho pata para juntar-se a mim na missão.

quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2025

I Shouldn't Have Gone To The Lake

Now I'm like a dog with a bone.

Enjoy the "party"; Revenge is sweeter than "love".

Brother Christian's Axe

Liberta Whitney, que será também.

Residence In Evil

"Now when Jesus heard these things, he said unto him, Yet lackest thou one thing: sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me."

Do you have many idols inside the box?

Do you know anyone who expects to hear the "good thing" he desires?

terça-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2025

Moving The Meeting To Cedar Lake

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."

Even those "things" vain people say and do can be useful to fuel the search for the Good you love, if only you see in them a challenge to transcend their predictable speech and act from Outside the system's lines.

For example, the guy without hunger and thirst for the Food and Water from afar told me to go look for a "woman" on Tinder to "solve" my "problem". The fact which he probably wasn't aware of, fatefully imprinted on my memory and waiting for his foolish contribution to the theological investigation, was I had already heard that song about the "different" one playing on that ground. What does she do that the average "christian" doesn't? Does she go to the Cinema with you? To the Ice Cream Parlor? That only a Siren's daughter does. Well, she might also agree to go to that battleground, being the type who works to get Her anywhere she is, which means having to say things she sees and hears similar to those expressed after watching a horror film. Leaving aside the modern means of communication to explore places in the old school way of meeting people, will you find someone like that there to talk to? Do the people you know believe in becoming sources of Truth so as to make a meeting meaningful and enriching?

When you never stop investigating, give not in to going back and settling for where you don't belong, you grow in Grace and Knowledge by studying that evil network. Because there's no Opportunity for us in it, except to actively watch the nonsense firmly tied to Reason, show Courage to refuse to fit its mold of perpetual oblivion and become distinct from the clones of the ones responsible for making the ground cursed. As you get wiser, your Link hardens and your Defense is strengthened. What do you know about spiritual company? The ignorant and disobedient don't need to have ever seen and talked to each other so as to work together for the evil one; only those who are able to see the wicked "purpose" behind their words and actions perceive how he launches independent and yet collaborative attacks from different sources of lies. They are in the same "party" and, if they're not questioning that world which trusts "things" to turn life around and looking for the Exit, between them there'll be common willingness to cooperate with him.

He Knows What Happens Next

Given that people rarely change, based on what has happened previously, you can too. If you are Her friend, paying attention to the Class, you will certainly receive the signs which come to inspire you to persist and avoid the broad way to the "future". When people are still on it, they can likewise perceive them, but in this case they're a Call to turn to the other Way. Since the process of change can't begin until one receives It, that's why you'll always find it hard to trust whoever is taking the same pill as the rest of the foolish world daily. Stability has a price the non rebellious against shallow answers, non radical for Truth who devote them "selves" to seeking first a place within the system and on God's ex-blessed ground where their poisoned minds and cells belong, are not willing to pay.

She is demanding, so you must work hard to get and keep the real Job.

Where is my School?

Empty Jar

Você conhece algum "conservador" que seja conversador?

Não há como guardar o que você não tem, ter Assunto sem buscar a Palavra.

Classroom's First Row

Ainda que você não tenha nada para ouvir, prestando atenção no que vê e ouve em busca de um conhecimento inferior e limitado que sirva para adquirir "riqueza" e "status" na terra da pirâmide, a Justiça continua tendo tudo a dizer àqueles que desejam transcender, se dispõem a sair do modo "secretária do pai da mentira", deixar o "lar" e o "emprego" dos sempre ocupados para responderem à Chamada, parar de negociar tempo por mentiras e quebrar o feitiço maligno que mantém o indivíduo em estado de distração.

O Jogo é lógico, como o xadrez. Se na "festa" da sua "igreja" toca Jenifer e ninguém questiona a "normalidade" com que isso é tratado, há alguma chance de que você esteja num lugar frequentado por pessoas que buscam exceder? E se você estiver na companhia de "cristãos" que, a exemplo dos "judeus" que se opuseram ao Evangelho, contentam-se com justiça própria, orgulhosa e carnal?

Por que essas pessoas geralmente são fãs de políticos de direita? Que tipo de "família" elas defendem, tendo má vontade de aprender a Verdade e achando normal permanecer na ignorância?

Você tem "esperança" de encontrar uma pessoa que seja realmente discípula nesses lugares? Se você é do tipo que se deixa "emocionar" com o tipo de "Sr ou Srta Certinha", seguidor de regras, você tem grande chance de se relacionar com uma pessoa fria e, inevitavelmente, quando trombar por aí com uma que seja "fogosa", achá-la mais "interessante" do que seu "presente" do Gênio da Lâmpada.

Se você acha normal que, nem mesmo onde supostamente todos deveriam amar a Professora e a Chefe, ninguém estude e trabalhe, isso é sinal de que você está na "balada", indeciso se a deixa ou não, apenas esperando a aproximação da Jenifer chamando-o para aprender com a mesma as mentiras que a "certinha" não conhece, deixar de lado o "medo" e aprofundar-se na desgraça.

Este é um segredo que Ela só revela àqueles no Caminho do avivamento; Raccoon não tem como saber isso, só Moonworld.

segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2025

A Stranger From Out Of Base

No dead body without a Heart owes any "success" they achieve, much less "all" they have, to Truth. That is, the vain speech of a fool is a confession that he or she is a friend of the world of falsehood. Well, you could praise the Chief Musician for the fallen girl throwing her "self" into your arms, ready to go anywhere with you within that system. A lot of numb people without sensitivity to the darkness of idolatry do exactly that; the individual is not in the Relationship, the Communication, he's only thanking the Genie of the Lamp for his granted unambitious wish.

Wow! In his lying talk the fool said he was upper-class and a winner in the world. Was he trying to win a hypergamous woman in his same frequency who wants a diamond ring and whose heart could pulse for him? Then later he complains about that, that if it were "true" he would have a chance with her? In that case, she realized she was in danger. But what if he were so apparently handsome that even knowing he was making it "all" up she allowed her "self" to ignore the ugliness of his mind? Maybe she could see the "love" and "sex" he was looking for, but not the fight and beating her up.

That's why it's so important to decide to leave the cursed place to be in the Relationship, on the Path to strengthening your heart everyday.

Are you in the State of Immunity to "opportunities"?

domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2025

Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof

"And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."

An empty mind and a heart without form are filled and shaped by the words their owner can think and say. So the state of disgrace is a place of ugly people, who believe they can do that without the help of any Water and Tool. Actually, since they don't believe in the Word, they don't really believe in this kind of service and work; they focus on matter and appearance. While their hearts and minds are naked of Love and Wisdom, they are there thinking about what they have to do to take off in the non serious business and put on clothes which could impress other lost people searching for no Thing. What is money good for when the bad taste remains? What real Luxury would you be capable of communicating when you're poor? Your God's ex-planet's cells are disintegrating day by day and you're thinking about covering the corpse.

Browse the Videos tab in the Deep Territory channel (logged out) and search for 'dog'.

Has the algorithm learned it by means of my writing or is there Something more mysterious going on?

The Way We Move Ain't Vanity Fair

I've got no Time to waste listening to the advice of the one who has sucessfully created the system and turned God's planet into ex-planet. So why would I pay attention to what anyone else thinking that being "successful" in it is a big deal has to show me? I'm going to sit here tightly tied to the Pear Tree and watch them uselessly living to spread gossip, disconnected words to other fools willing to applaud the cowardly attempt to sound and look awesome, or at least reasonable and righteous, without mentioning the Wind that carries the mind towards the Good Destiny, too afraid to seem crazy and unfit for the "job" of "helping" the cancerworld believe in "progress". The proud lying speeches are all about testifying that serving the ego matters more than Truth, that buying "goods" is more desirable than knowing Good.

What do you expect from those caring not about seeing the Difference and becoming able to compare the two ways? They will "talk" and "walk" as if that's really the only way that exists.

If you're too eager to "live" and can't stop to question what's going on within and without you, you will buy it and never leave the company of fools.

sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2025

There Is This Neo Game I Want To Show You

Rita Leigh radiates a different Light because she drinks and gets washed by a different Water nobody is interested in stealing. I mean, they do want to take It away from you, because It upsets them; they don't want to draw near to the Light that extinguishes their own. As for us, we don't think it's bearable to be close to the friends of the fallen angels either, to those who can't even notice they need to be rescued from all the lies and vanity they actually one day thought it'd be a good idea to take off to get them. What's wrong with wanting to have every "thing", go higher in the pyramid? Well, there's no Base in it for you to safely set yourself up to begin with. You're only a passenger in self-deception, calling a nightmare still "comfortable" a dream, waiting for death to come and prove you dead wrong the whole time, deserving of hell as you could only think of getting to "paradise" and finding "life".

Will you discover death, sent on a "mission" by her father, was the driver "all" along before the conquest of your soul is done, baby? Being around people on the same worldly quest might relieve your worries, but are they going to die at the same time with you? Are they going to follow you to the other side? Even if one of them does, are you sure the conversation about the apartment and a couple of new suits will help you get better in case you find the deepest and ultimate loneliness there? People have no idea what they are playing with when they choose to live without a Reason, working for apparent changes which leave their miserable foolish situation actually worse. Being "social" and believing in "love" takes a "courage" I do not have. Either you dig looking for the Treasure or you're digging your own grave as you are lured to fit into the shithole and watch the days go by, answering and obeying the call only to become a clone of every other unambitious Homeless fool.

Don't you need Communication to be really together? Doctors are going to say you only need to take a medicine to have your "excitement" restored. Because that prescription is the only lyrics they are capable of writing, so they can only help you keep writing your own lost words in order to buy your "self" the "things" you need as a replacement for the Teacher they too haven't sought and found in their courses. Their business is limited to aiding the distracted natural man, who is unable to imagine the things hidden in the Supernatural, feel a bit good. They can't warn their patients about wasting that little health searching for lies, because they them "selves" are on the same vain road and unaware that it's a poor answer to the cellular chaos, which neglects to acknowledge the root of evil. Beings who "reason" might think a medicine and a more comfortable bed are the answer to the waking up tired; money can't buy them All they need, they only "think" it can.

Do animals only need that? If the first company of man were the animals, that means even them were designed to be loved with real Love.

How am I doing at the real Job and on watching the signs along the BR-101?

Can You Play NZT-47?

Porque Los Secos não é realmente a minha Praia.

One Royal Way

What if Chest nuts people collide and see Her? ➕

No "talk" can convince them to stay put in the place of foolishness and pain. 🏜️

The Answer Is Out There

Make up your mind before you join those who didn't last to say and do Something really different.

Moments In A Different Time

Chuta esse balde e vem pra CÁ, Alice.

sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2025

Oil Can

Oil can what?

Make you capable of talking and walking.

His Fate Was Sealed

He's levelled Up and is now an apple of Her eye.

They've both been convinced they need the whole Time to study.

Get Back Down To The Base

It's useless to get up to work your way to the top in the falsehood system, founded upon the ego.

Don't go back, that place is cursed.

Where Is It?

Far, far away. 🎩

On the other Side. 🐒