"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose."
Even those "things" vain people say and do can be useful to fuel the search for the Good you love, if only you see in them a challenge to transcend their predictable speech and act from Outside the system's lines.
For example, the guy without hunger and thirst for the Food and Water from afar told me to go look for a "woman" on Tinder to "solve" my "problem". The fact which he probably wasn't aware of, fatefully imprinted on my memory and waiting for his foolish contribution to the theological investigation, was I had already heard that song about the "different" one playing on that ground. What does she do that the average "christian" doesn't? Does she go to the Cinema with you? To the Ice Cream Parlor? That only a Siren's daughter does. Well, she might also agree to go to that battleground, being the type who works to get Her anywhere she is, which means having to say things she sees and hears similar to those expressed after watching a horror film. Leaving aside the modern means of communication to explore places in the old school way of meeting people, will you find someone like that there to talk to? Do the people you know believe in becoming sources of Truth so as to make a meeting meaningful and enriching?
When you never stop investigating, give not in to going back and settling for where you don't belong, you grow in Grace and Knowledge by studying that evil network. Because there's no Opportunity for us in it, except to actively watch the nonsense firmly tied to Reason, show Courage to refuse to fit its mold of perpetual oblivion and become distinct from the clones of the ones responsible for making the ground cursed. As you get wiser, your Link hardens and your Defense is strengthened. What do you know about spiritual company? The ignorant and disobedient don't need to have ever seen and talked to each other so as to work together for the evil one; only those who are able to see the wicked "purpose" behind their words and actions perceive how he launches independent and yet collaborative attacks from different sources of lies. They are in the same "party" and, if they're not questioning that world which trusts "things" to turn life around and looking for the Exit, between them there'll be common willingness to cooperate with him.