domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2025

To Be Or Not To Be Nice

Alright, you all are evil. Do you somehow filter out the Good, keeping that which is not enough but you can use to feel "good" about your "self"? Who are you listening to, to have Something to teach? Are you sure you are protected as you hide from the Light? What happens if you suddenly return to the darkness of before coming into being while chasing the sun? What if you don't cease to exist? Will you feel way better or worse in the ultimate "party" of those who worshipped "things" He has not commanded? I don't know about you, but I need some Answer that inspires me to ask these questions.

The problem is probably more critical when you're dealing with people involved with "entertainment", but pagans in general are used to idolatry. So, unless they are sick of the lack of individuality and of being as dumb and inert as any other mind that makes up the cursed ground, they will be blind to the Difference in what you type. The state of disgrace and the broad way are no joke; you are going somewhere you can't see, where any quality you may have will be destroyed. Well, maybe some can perceive they are not staying the same.

When it's over, your "friends" and fans will stay here typing ordinary words, remembering the "angel" you were, knowing not that you're already a demon there.

Would you like to postpone your departure from the system, just to test if you are Alice?

Good luck.

Maybe you'll need it.