quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2025
You Could Use A Batboy?
In Paradise? Because in that other place you'd have to convince me to come back first. Would Milton invite me to the "party" if I returned to the evil days? People who go to "church" and follow the "right" people would suddenly long to be close to me. But then I'd remember a "No" and ask myself what the hell I'm doing there. They don't care about the Word, only about getting their idols; they don't and won't have any Thing to say. So, I don't care; I've believed in forsaking it "all" and the method has worked for me like Science. The way of rules is for cowards who feel more uncomfortable with the idols they lack than with the "fear" and foolishness they have.
Is the world really evolving? With 5 unerasable megas one could build a castle. If you could travel in time and show a "rich" fool from the 80's a PC or phone of these days, he'd give you billions to have it. And for what? For vain amusement, to be like a child distracted with his new toy. If you told him that soon it would be possible to send a letter to anyone on the planet in a few seconds, he'd be "amazed". How much time, though, would he be willing to spend seeking Her to be able to write a meaningful message? It's logical: without Truth, what you see is "progress", the same "society" of thousands of years ago.
Wouldn't it be an upside down vision the imagination of prophets as cavemen? What exactly is that word which says, "Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him"? "Religious" people "think" the text is talking about some "reward" they're going to find after they die, for having followed the rules. But in context you discover it is describing the Milk and Honey that His friends taste right now. All that is found in Grace is much better than "all" the unbeliever can ever experience by use of "reason".
If I "study" and "work", becoming "smart" and "rich", will it increase my chances of buying me a "love"? I don't know, I don't buy it... Maybe it's because I've already bought the Truth and am not willing to sell It, to be once again compatible with the world of fools and able to have that which is less than what I find in Her.