Don't you think people live miserable existences in darkness for acknowledging not they desperately need the Light? You are taught you need to choose one of the ways available in the world, choose what you want to be. But is there a way to be yourself searching not for the Truth? You see? Living in the system is acting. Try to imagine one, at the end of life, receiving a revelation of all he could've been and lived, and didn't, for "thinking" that walking the Way would be "boring" and "all" that the world had to offer were much more "exciting". You see? It's an upside down trap that uses "religion" to convince you that the "opportunities" are the greatest.
I've studied the shit in detail, you still "think" I haven't? I am so conscious of the difference between "all" and All, that since I've gotten High it has never crossed my mind to give It up for a "company" I could have in darkness. To go back to the cursed place and relax, that is, retire? I know "women" like retards and old guys, but I wouldn't be capable of liking my paralyzed "self". All that bla bla bla about getting a low "life" is for the defeated ones. Like, who can bear a "woman" that only talks about that, about money as if Life were in the "goods" she can buy to have her cheap sensation, the only "transcendence" she aspires to experience?
I admit I'm being limited. No "woman" loves money and no "thing" more; she also talks about "men". So, if you're a "man" and one of the idols you seek is a "woman", the more you "work" the bigger your chance is to get her. Because you are nothing to her without "wealth", nobody without "status" or "fame". The only exception is the extremely good looking one, who can takeover her Hopelessly weak heart and make her drunk with his "quality", being dismissed from having to show any other to be admitted into her "company". What? Do not be of such a little faith in "human" nature, give the unrepentant a chance to show she can also be "romantic".
Let's talk about the real woman? I said it before and I'll say it again: a luxury good to have is the one who has ended up in some Quadra's hands.