quarta-feira, 5 de março de 2025
Nowhere Out There Is Safe
There's no place on this planet where you meet people that there's no business going on. The dealers of the Pearl of great price are rare, that's why you must keep yourself ever watchful, even at religious temples, because they may try to sell you lies. Just one lie you buy is enough to make you stray from the Path which God has for you and ruin your Present and Future. So once you step outside, the first "builder" of the day may be waiting for you just around the corner.
How do you prepare yourself for the battles? A discipline of praying and reading the Scriptures every day is ineffective when you're doing it out of "fear". The only rule is to ask for one Thing with all you heart and search for Her everywhere and the whole Time, or else It'll keep slipping away from you. When you don't have Time for any "thing" more, you don't even need to be told that you can't start learning any Thing until you forsake it "all"; it happens Automatically.